
Heifer performance is multi-faceted (El desarrollo de las becerras tiene muchas facetas). p. 110-111. February 2015.

Tenemos que pensar mas alla de los costos (We need to think beyond the costs) HD Espanol 2014 Oct p. 632 and 633

las becerrras tambien necesitan confort Sep 2014 p. 568 and 569

Calves need comfort too.

22. Get calves of to a good start (Haga que las becerras tengan un buen comienzo). p. 38-39, January 2014.

Selected abstracts on calves and heifers from the annual Joint Animal and Dairy Science Meetings

Stunt growth, stunt future performance (Retraso en el crecimiento, retraso en el rendimiento future)

Growth targets for young calves are well documented.  Now hone in on what should occur from weaning to first-calving

Water: an essential nutrient (Agua: el nutriente mas esencial)

Heat stress shortchanges heifers (El estres caloric retrasa a las becerras)

Calfhood affects cowhood (La crienza en lactancia afecta la production de la vaca adulta). p. 364-365, June 2013.

A return to the hay, starter debate. (Regresando al debae del heno y el concentrado). p.552 and 554, September 2012.

We are finding better ways to raise replacements. (Estamos encontrando mejores formas de criar reemplazos).