Journal of Dairy Science: American Dairy Science Association
Journal of Animal Science: American Society of Animal Science
- Kertz, case A.F., and J.P. Everett, Jr. 1975.
Utilization of urea by lactating cows-an industry viewpoint.
J. Anim. Sci. 41:945 (Symposium). - Kertz, A.F., and J.P. Everett, Jr. 1976.
Lifespan efficiencies of grain and forage utilization by lactating cows relative to milk yield.
J. Dairy Sci. 59:775 (Invitational paper). - Kertz, A. F. 1977.
Meeting the protein needs of the early lactation, high-producing cow.
Informal evening session of the Cornell Nutrition Conference. - Kertz, A. F., L. E. Davidson, and J. P. Everett, Jr. 1977.
Influence of dietary buffers on milk production, fecal pH, and fecal starch.
J. Dairy Sci. (Suppl. 1)60:116. - Kertz, A. F. and L. F. Reutzel. 1983.
Ad libitum water intake by neonatal calves and its relationship to calf starter intake, weight gain, and feces score.
J. Dairy Sci. (Suppl. 1)66:194. - Kertz, A.F., L.F. Reutzel, and G.M. Thomson. 1990.
Dry matter intake from parturition to mid-lactation.
J. Dairy Sci. (Suppl. 1)72 :221. - Kertz, A.F. 1992.
Rumen development and herd replacement programs.
Dept. Animal Science Seminar, Oregon State University, Sept. 14. - Kertz, A.F. 1993.
Some aspects of feeding and managing first-calf heifers.
Second Biennial Northeast Heifer Management Symposium, Cornell University, Sept. 8-9, p. 103-116, Syracuse, N.Y. - Kertz, A.F. 1993.
Raising replacement heifers, Monsanto Co.
Nov. 15, St. Louis, Mo. (Invitational seminar). - Kertz, A.F. 1993.
Animal care and use–An issue now and in the future.
Invitational presentation at Livestock Conservation Institute Hearing at the annual National Milk Producers Federation, New Orleans, LA. - Kertz, A. F. 1996.
Animal Care and use—An issue now and in the future.
J. Anim. Sci. 74:257-261 (invitational paper). - Kertz, A. F. 1997.
Relative efficiencies of wither height and body weight increase from birth until first-calving in Holstein cattle.
Midwest ADSA/ASAS Meeting (abstract) and published in J. Dairy Sci. 81:1479-1482. - Kertz, A. F. 1997.
Variability in delivery of nutrients to lactating dairy cows.
Part of symposium on “Putting nutrition research into application on the farm” at ADSA Annual Meeting—University of Guelph. (Published in the J. Dairy Sci. 81:3075-3084, 1998 and used by the Dairy NRC Committee as a reference in developing their publication). - Hawley, M. M., M. A. McGuire, T. W. Hanson, and A. F. Kertz. 2001.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) must be protected from rumen hydrogenation for the greatest impact on milk composition.
J. Dairy Sci. 84:355, Suppl. 1, Abstr. #1472. - Olson, K. E. K. Roy, B. Carlson, and A. F. Kertz. 2006.
SPAC—Information on demand.
J. Dairy Sci. 89:281. Suppl. 1 (abstr. #364). - Bernard, J. K. and A. F. Kertz. 2009.
Effect of milk replacer source on performance and health of dairy calves.
J. Dairy Sci. 92: Suppl 1 (abstr. #W222). - Luan, Y., J. Q. Wang, D. P. Bu, H. T. Zhang, Z. F. Zhou, and A. F. Kertz. 2009.
Effects of protein sources in calfmilk replacers on growth and fecal score of dairy calves.
J. Dairy Sci. 92: Suppl 1 (abstr. #W226). - Bernard, J. K. and A. F. Kertz. 2009.
Performance and metabolic measures of lactating dairy cows fed diets supplemented with either mostly saturated or more unsaturated fatty acids.
J. Dairy Sci. 92: Suppl 1 (abstr. #W251). - Fokkink, W. B., T. M. Hill, H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and A. F. Kertz. 2010.
Simulated straw bedding intake and effect on Holstein calves.
J. Dairy Sci. 93:300-301 E-Suppl. (abstr. #396). - Litherland, N., D. Labao, R. LaBerge, W. Weich, Z. Sawall, J. Schefers, and A. Kertz. 2012.
Supplemental fat for dairy calves fed accelerated milk replacer during mild cold stress.
J. Dairy Sci. 95:205 Suppl. 1, abstr. #802. - C. Du, Y.G. Zhen, L. Ma, A. F. Kertz and D. P. Bu. 2017. Effects of different physical starter forms on health, growth, rumen parameters and selected blood metabolites in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. Suppl. 1. 100:112 (abstract T222).